ALL Folkart Slovakia (FS) collapsible fujara flutes are now shipped worldwide free of charge:
- Fujara gallery UPDATE - several new fujara types added, and all Fujara flutes pages were redesigned.
- Fujara gallery UPDATE - we play test all the available Fujara flutes dividing them according chosen criteria into several sound categories.
- FUJARA WORKSHOPS - we have prepared for you fujara playing and building workshops in our quest house in beautiful nature of central Slovakia.
- FAQ UPDATE - see by yourself :)
- Convenient Accommodation - do you plan to visit Slovakia? Check our guesthouse in bewitchingly beautiful nature in central Slovakia.
- Updated HOW TO PLAY section! - Notations for 7 traditional fujara songs with MIDI and MP3 audio samples.
- NEW Fujaridoo model - natural Fujaridoo (2 parts), excellent sound category.
- www.fujara.sk/sk - Slovak version!
- Fujaridoo page - impressive combination of fujara and didgeridoo in one collapsible multi-instrument
- Short pictorial story about Prince Charles and his first Fujara - mystical atmosphere of primaveal forest, charming Prince Charles and his Fujara, translucent primeval Slovak Fujara manufacturer OR how Sir Charles the Prince of Wales started to play his first Fujara
- Search engine - now you can search www.fujara.sk for any word or phrase